From 1974 to 1982 ▪Opened own dental practice in Argentina ▪Worked in different clinics in Soutamerica. ▪Practiced in general dentiustry and prosthetic rehabilitation. From 1976 to 1982 First Lieutenant ▪Director of the dental department for the argentinian army From 1974 to 1999 guest speakerr ▪Asociaciòn Ibero Americana de Ortodoncistas. International Association. From 1982 to 1999 Dental Practitioner ▪Opened own dental practice in Italy From 1989 to 1990 C.I.E.S Marsiglia ▪visiting professor ▪Practiced orthodontic orthopaedics posture and tmj From 1993 guest speakerr ▪Palermo Ospital , Sicily , Italy. From 1993 to 1994 Associate Professor at the University of Palermo (Italy) ▪Part time time professor in the masters degree in Orthodontics From 1993 to 1994 Visiting Professor ▪Master Of Orthodontic Sevilla University , Spain From 1994 to 1999 Visiting Professor ▪Maimonides University , Argentina. From 1996 to 1997 Visiting Professor ▪Master Of Orthodontic Chieti University. Italy From 1996 to 1997 President of Sociedad iberoamericana de ortodoncias ▪Elected president of the Ibero-American Society of Orthodontics From 1996 to 1998 world federation of orthodontic ▪International Member. From 1999 to 2004 Dental Practitioner ▪Worked in different clinics across the United Kingdom freelance ▪Practiced orthodontic orthopaedics posture and tmj From 2001 Visiting Professor ▪School of Ostheopaty in London From 2001 guest speakerr ▪Dental college of Dentistry , Sicily , Italy. From 2004 to 2013 Dental Practitioner ▪Worked in different clinics in Switzerland freelance ▪Practiced orthodontic orthopaedics posture and tmj From 2005 Visiting Professor ▪Master of Posturometric Technitian ;Siena University ,Italy. From 2006 guest speakerr ▪Dental college of Dentistry , Gran Canaria Island , Spain From 2005 Visiting Professor ▪E.F.O (Escuela Francesa de Oteopatia) Valencia Spain From 2007 guest speakerr ▪Medical College of Tenerife , Spain. From 2010 guest speakerr ▪Dental college of Barcelona Spain From 2006 guest speakerr ▪Dental college of Dentistry , Gran Canaria Island , Spain From 2010 guest speakerr ▪International Congress, IFUNA (International Functional Association) Barcelona Spain From 2010 to 2013 Teacher in M.P.R International Virtual room ▪Courses on line (English, Spanish, Italian) world wide. From 2013 guest speakerr ▪Coleggio dei Docenti Universitary Milano , Italy. From 2010 guest speakerr ▪Fisiotherapist School , Barcelona , Spain. From 2009 Visiting Professor ▪School of Ostheopaty in Madrid. From 2009 to 2010 Visiting Professor ▪Master Of Orthodontic Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio , Madrid Spain. From 2009 to 2013 Associate professor ▪Professor in the Laguna University , Tenerife ,Spain , Fisiotherapy Department. From 2013 Visiting Professor ▪I.C.O.M (International College of Osteophatic Medicine ) Milan, Italy. From 2010 to 2013 Associate professor ▪Professor in the COMEI marters degree, INTERNATIONAL POSTGRADUATE IN CRANIOFACIALORTHOPAEDIC From 2013 guest speakerr ▪International Congress , Assoziane Italina de Posturologia , Caserta , Italy. From 2014 guest speakerr ▪International Speaker in Dubai From 2014 guest speakerr ▪International Speaker in India From 2014 guest speakerr ▪International in Fisioteraphy Scool in Tenerife From 2014 INTERNATIONAL M.P.R ▪Courses on line and practice in Europe, Asia And America From 2014 guest speakerr ▪ Prof in Amocoac Diplomate in Mexico and COMEI. College of dentistry in Mexico From 2014 international collaboration ▪Intenational Rehabilitaion Clinic in Switzerland From 2014 international collaboration ▪Prof invited at the EOP ( OSTHEOPATIC POSTURAL SCHOOL IN ROSARIO ARGENTINA.) From 2014 international collaboration ▪Inveted at the Congress of Reumatology and Rehabilitation Sociaty of Switzerland in Interlaken From 2014 international collaboration ▪International director of the RMP INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL in : Argentina,Mexico,Costa Rica ,Peru,Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Qatar,Dubai,Australia. From 2014 interantional membership ▪Viceptresident ,International rappresentative and founder of API Swiss ( International Association of Posturology Switzerland.) From 2015 interantional membership ▪European Cordintator for Amocoac ▪International Professor COMEI ▪R.M.P courses of first,second,third,fourth level in APECO , Mexico , under the AMOCOAC COMEI . ▪R.M.P INTERNATIONAL COURSES ON LINE AND PRACTICE IN SWITZERLAND,ITALY,SPAIN,MEXICO ,ARGENTINA.PERU,COLOMBIA,ECUADOR,COSTA RICA. ▪R.MP Presentation at the 1 st Physiotherapist Congress , of the Phisiotherapist Association in Macedonia. ▪R.M.P Presentation at the F.E.S Zaragosa ( Facultad de Estudios Superiores Zaragoza UNAM)